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CSR activities by the Company's labor union

Social contribution work is also undertaken by all branches of the Mitsubishi Paper Mills' labor union.

The Foundation for the Support of the United Nations is an NPO that collects textbooks no longer in use and donates them to schools and colleges overseas for use in Japanese language teaching. The labor union branch at the Company's Head Office collects such textbooks and donates them to the NPO.

The labor union branches at the Company's Hachinohe and Takasago mills, among others, participate together with other members of the local communities in cleanup campaigns organized across the length and breadth of Japan by regional councils and similar organizations. From here onward, all the branches of the Company's labor union plan to continue actively participating in community contribution initiatives.

Nationwide cleanup campaign

Nationwide cleanup campaign

Social contribution through donation of books

Social contribution through donation of books

Participating as a family (nationwide cleanup campaign)

Participating as a family (nationwide cleanup campaign)

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