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Social Contributions

Our Approach to Social Contributions

The Group’s basic philosophy as stated in the Code of Conduct of the Mitsubishi Paper Mills Group is “to contribute to the realization of an affluent society through the development and supply of products and services that are useful for society, centering on paper, pulp and photosensitive materials, by utilizing the advanced technological capability of MPM,” and we are constantly aware of coexisting with society as we actively pursue activities for contributing to society.

Direction of Activities

Direction of Activities

Environmental Protection: We will contribute to the creation of a recycling society to maintain our precious global environment.

Our efforts to conserve the global environment include supporting FSC-certified forests, supporting thinning, etc. with the cooperation of NGOs, and protecting the environment through our business activities.

Living alongside Local Communities: We are strengthening or social contributions rooted in local communities.

Mills and offices are playing key roles in actively working to contribute to local community activities, and contribute to the development of local communities.

Supporting volunteer activities: We support voluntary social contributions by our employees

January 2008

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Social Contribution Expenditure

MPM is part of Keidanren’s One Percent Club, and we report the results of our social contributions every year.

Expenditure on Social Contributions

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